Plan C is the new Plan A
Not so very long ago, we set out to photograph our new Cosmos Collection. A shoot location was selected, a model was booked, plane tickets to Portugal were purchased, bags were packed. And then – along with the rest of the global population – we began hearing about the tragedy that is COVID-19.
As the borders started to close, we abandoned Plan A and quickly crafted Plan B – a shoot closer to home in Devon. And then as the country went into lockdown, Plan B went the way of Plan A – and we moved on to Plan C.
As fortune would have it, our photographer Ash has a beautiful home in Bath. His girlfriend Ella had just managed to fly in from Australia and was holed up in quarantine with him. Ella kicked off her jet-lag and quickly went on duty as photographer’s assistant and model.
Together they scoured the back garden for surfaces and textures that could bring our vision for Cosmos to life. A parcel of jewellery and gemstones found its way from North Devon to Bath, the sun came out & the shadows danced.
It was a good reminder. Learning to flex to fit the universe as it unfolds is central to the thinking behind the Cosmos Collection. Life is a mix of dark nights and bright dawns, of inky shadows and points of light. It’s all part of the process and we’re just happy to be along for the ride.