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Dream, breathe and manifest:
An interview with Mollie Bylett
Mollie Bylett joined Wanderlust Life for our Dream It Do It workshop, where she chose an engravable necklace personalised with her own mantra “breathe slow”. Here she shares her thoughts on how breathwork can be a powerful tool for manifesting your dreams.

As a breathwork facilitator for individuals and groups, Mollie Bylett works with the breath as a doorway to a deeper connection with self and as a way to enhance health and vitality on the mental, physical and emotional planes. After she joined us for our manifestation workshop, we asked her to tell us about the role manifesting plays in her own life and work.
Can you tell us an example of a time you successfully manifested a dream into reality?
The first thing that comes to mind is my partner and the relationship I dreamed of being in. It’s been a slow manifestation that’s taken many steps over the years!
Here’s the process that helped me when I had an encounter with someone and we were clearly going in different directions. I would sit and write down what they brought to the table and what was beautiful, but also what wasn’t there for me and what I would like in my next partner.
It's about being very specific with all the details that I want to call in from the universe, always finetuning that list. Then I ask myself, “How do I show up? How can I embody the energy of the person that I’m compatible with?” Stepping into that energy is what tracks them in.

What mantra did you choose to have engraved during Wanderlust Life’s manifestation workshop?
As part of the manifestation visualisation that we did, I really was focusing on how I was feeling in my body and what it was that allowed me to feel I was living my dream – and that was the way I was breathing.
I chose “breathe slow” as my mantra because breathwork is everything to me. It’s been a huge part of my journey inward. Breathing slow is what really allows me to enjoy life. I saw some incredible places in my six or seven years of full-time travelling, but the times I enjoyed the most were when I was slowing down and I could really be present. I feel like you could be in the most dream scenario of all, but if you’re not really there, is it worth it? For me, it’s not.

What were the insights and highlights you took away?
It was a really beautiful day. It reaffirmed to me the importance of having fun in all these processes and being around people that are out there doing it and living it.
The highlight for me was tapping back into my vision and getting quite specific. That was something I hadn’t done in a couple of months, so it was really nice to get back in tune. It always makes my soul smile when I feel like I know what it’s all for and where I’m going.

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Engravable The Voyager Petite Swallow Pendant Necklace

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Engravable Valentino Heart Necklace

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Engravable Black Onyx Queen of Hearts Necklace

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Engravable Love Notes Heart Fine Cord Necklace


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Engravable Insignia Disc Fine Cord Necklace


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Engravable Initial Gold Band Ring

Small (L-M)
Medium (N-O)
Large (P-Q)